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CW 31/2021 - ToDo: Detox Day 02.08.

There are many Social Media Trends starting and being forgotten.

But have you heard of the "no-Social Media" trend ?

In celebration of Ticktock's 3rd (going public) anniversary, the youtuber iamLucid called out to his community and other influencers to spread the idea of "digital detox".

So, if there is no existential reason, I vehemently encourage you to give it a shot: One Day without interacting, opening or thinking of Social Media.

Link: https://detox.earth/
iamLucid's video: https://yewtu.be/embed/xBFzO54z6u0
Techlore's video: https://invidious.exonip.de/embed/yXHQy8DQ5C8


Reason why there are Invidious/Yewtube Links instead of Youtube ones: https://github.com/iv-org/invidious