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CW 36/2021 - Article: Lessons Learned from two years as a Data Scientist

Some people like keeping a journal of their knowledge and new findings.

Dating everything you learned not only sustains your thematic recollection, it also detailns from mindlessly "flowing through" each year.

There are many concepts and debates on how to organize and operate effective note-taking¹ and there are no real one-stop shop/best practice solutions for everyone.
Still, the human mind is limited in form of capacity and associations, which leads to technical writers, managers and scholars switching from scattered single pages to handheld notebooks to digitized files (and sometimes back).
Starting from scratch, the trivial principle is: "The more time you invest into it the better you understand it."
Retrospective are notes the fast-foreward options of (re)experiencing your/others adventures, hence they are might be worth your time.

Link: https://dawndrain.github.io/braindrain/two_years.html

¹ www.juliendesrosiers.com/2021/08/21/tools-for-thinking.php
other concept examples:
- https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/NfdHG6oHBJ8Qxc26s/the-zettelkasten-method-1
- https://macwright.com/2019/01/02/paper-notes.html
- https://untappedbrilliance.com/how-to-read-books-when-you-have-adhd/
our favorite tools:
- https://github.com/laurent22/joplin
- https://github.com/ryot4/sidenote
- https://pad.nixnet.services/